
Student Success: Applying To Oxbridge from A State School

Even in 2022, there is a myth that only privately educated students belong at Oxbridge. No matter who you are, the transition from school to university is both exciting and nerve-wracking. For public school students, the prospect of going to university – particularly to a socially accepted ‘good’ university, such as Oxbridge or a Russell Group – has its own set of challenges.

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What Counts as a High UCAT Score?

How is a ‘high’ UCAT (UKCAT) score defined? It is difficult to say what constitutes a high UCAT score, as the UCAT requirements of medical schools differ from one another. This article will take a look at some of the average marks in recent years, the UCAT requirements of top medical schools, as well as what the UCAT actually is.

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What Is A Good UCAT Score And Where To Apply?

Currently, more than 30,000 medical and dental applicants take the UCAT (University Clinical Aptitude Test) each year, but where is the best score to get? We can take a look at the distribution of scores from previous years to give you an idea of where your UCAT score lies within your cohort year.

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Where to Apply if I have a Low UCAT Score?

What should I do with a low UCAT score? We are often asked: “My UCAT score is low, which universities should I apply to?”, so this blog aims to give you an idea of which medical schools you can apply to with a low UCAT score.

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ukcat-registration 2018

2018 UCAT Registration

Registering at the right time for the UKCAT exam can be very important to get a good score. The test was first introduced in 2006 and is used to help medical schools differentiate between the high number of applications they receive, meaning it is important to get a good score and take the test at the right time!

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