
Why does Oxford use the TSA test?

The TSA (Thinking Skills Assessment) is a test that Oxford University requires of applicants applying for certain courses.
These courses vary widely and include some of the University’s most competitive courses, such as Economics and Management, PPE and Philosophy. So why exactly do applicants have to take the TSA?

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TSA Section 1: Problem Solving | UniAdmissions Guide

Problem Solving questions are difficult to prepare for…This is an accepted statement, and one that we do agree with, but we disagree with the naysayers who say it can’t be prepared for! To show you how, here are our top methods for revising and tackling problem-solving questions.

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TSA Section 1: Critical Thinking | UniAdmissions Guide

What does TSA Critical Thinking require? TSA Critical Thinking questions require you to understand the constituents of a good argument and be able to pick them apart. The majority of TSA Critical thinking questions tend to fall into 5 major categories, let’s take a deep dive into each category.

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