What Is Relevant Work Experience?

What is relevant work experience? We explain what counts as relevant work experience to add to your Personal Statement and Interviews.

How To Find Work Experience


Your opportunity to learn more about the field you want to work in, study and research. Finding work experience is not difficult, making sure it is relevant and useful is much harder. We explain how to find beneficial work experience that will wow the University Admissions Team (and your future employers).

Observe GP: Virtual Medical Work Experience Guide

Observe GP: Virtual Medical Work Experience

Gaining work experience in the field of medicine is a vital component of applying to medical school. Having relevant work experience will help you decide whether a career in medicine is right for you, and more importantly, gaining work experience in medicine demonstrates to admissions tutors that you are truly committed to the field.

All About General Practice Medical Work Experience


How can I get work experience in general practice? The best and easiest way is to ask. Call practices and ask who is the right person to talk to about shadowing a doctor. Be polite, professional and flexible with dates. We have an article here that covers the search for work experience in more detail.

What is GP Work Experience Really Like?


Interested in what you can learn from work experience in medicine? Having the opportunity to do a medical internship is invaluable. Not only will medical interviewers ask you to talk about your experiences in the healthcare environment, but the chance to shadow doctors is the real way to find out if a career in medicine is something that appeals to you.

How to get GP Work Experience

Find out How to get GP Work Experience GP work experience provides an invaluable insight into primary care - how should it be arranged? Spending time at a GP for your medical work experience is a good way to understand the practice of medicine in the community. This may be done alongside hospital medical work [...]

No Medical School Offers? No Problem

to take the gap year or not... you may not have the choice!

Getting into medical school is hard, really hard. Failing to get into medical school can be stressful, demoralising and upsetting. It hurts, trust me, I’ve been there. But, with a little courage, planning and motivation then you, like me, could have one of the best years of your life leading up to your first day as a fresher medical student.

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