Is studying Linguistics for you?
Know that you’re interested in languages but not sure of your direction? Do you have a technical mind that loves a challenge? Then Linguistics might be the right choice for you!
Which Universities Use The BMAT?
How do the different UK Medical Schools use the BMAT? In this guide, we go through the UK BMAT Medical Schools (including Cambridge, Oxford and UCL) and what scores you’ll need to be successful.
What Studying Law At Cambridge Is Really Like
There were many questions regarding the Cambridge Law degree that I wanted to be answered before I started. How many lecturers do you have? Is the workload at Cambridge unbearable? To answer these questions, we have an explanation provided by a third-year Cambridge Law student who covers the key areas that you need to know.
Cambridge Winter Pool Guide
The Cambridge winter pool is a possibility for all applicants. It can be quite a daunting process, so Melinda kindly shares her experience of it to help answer your questions.
So, You Think You’re NOT Oxbridge Material? Think Again.
Oxbridge Universities see some of the highest-performing students in the world. But what makes a student Oxbridge material? Here’s why you shouldn’t count yourself out.
How To Prepare For An Oxford Interview
Preparing for an Oxford Interview can sometimes feel overwhelming and confusing, so we’ve put together a guide on how to prepare for the big day.
What should I Study at Oxbridge?
Wondering which subject to study at Oxbridge? Now is the perfect time to sit back and review your options, keep an open mind and find out exactly what interests you. Here is some advice on how to choose your Oxbridge degree.
Oxbridge Open Days Advice | UniAdmissions Guide
Oxbridge Open Days are here – are you ready for the chance to find out more about where you could be studying for the next three or more years? Applying to Oxford can be an exciting time. There are many amazing courses to choose from, all of which offer a unique opportunity. However, it can also be quite daunting. Here are some tips based on my own experience.
10 Things I Wish I Had Known When I Applied To Oxbridge
The “Oxbridge experience” is often shrouded in mystery. Students tend to apply with hundreds of misconceptions and assumptions about what their next three years might be like. Knowing a few key points when applying can make the process a lot less daunting. Here are 10 things I wish I had known when I applied to Oxbridge.