Personal Statement Cheat Sheet

This easy-to-use Personal Statement cheat sheet will tell you everything you need to know to start crafting the perfect Personal Statement.

What Should I Wear To My Oxbridge Interviews?


First impressions are important, so choosing what to wear for an Oxbridge Interview can cause unnecessary stress for students. We answer your attire related questions to reduce your stress levels.

How many Oxford interviews will my child have?


One of the differences in the ways which Oxford and Cambridge run their interview processes is in the number of interviews and when they take place. This is because the collegiate system, and more specifically the “pooling” system. It operates differently between the two universities and if candidates interviewed at both, they would notice the distinction.

Common Oxford Medical Interview Questions


What types of Oxford Medicine Interview questions will they ask? Read on to find out what interviewers are looking for and the types of questions you may face on the day.

Is Oxbridge Interview Coaching The Way Forward?


Should you get Oxbridge Interview coaching? This article explores the value of receiving support for your upcoming Oxbridge Interviews. We’ll look at what coaching involves and how it can increase your chances of gaining an Oxbridge offer.

Differences Between Oxford And Cambridge Interviews


What are the main differences between Oxford and Cambridge Interviews? In this guide, we highlight the main differences to provide you with some clarity to help you focus on the university you are applying to.

Support for Parents: What should I expect for Dentistry MMI interviews?

What will my child experience? What should I expect for Dentistry MMI interviews? Multiple mini-interviews, often known as MMI or MMI interviews, are an increasingly popular interview format for Dentistry as well as other medical courses. Rather than a traditional interview with a panel and two or three interviewers, your child will go through four [...]

Traditional Learning Medical Schools UK


Is a traditional learning Medical School right for me? The traditional learning Medical School approach is one of several formats of teaching at medical school. But what is traditional learning?

Results Day and Clearing: What Happens When You Get Your Results?


Results day and clearing – how do they work with your university application? Firstly, the most important thing to know about results day and clearing is that, although they can be intimidating, there is no need to panic. There are a few myths about results day and clearing, so read on to find out exactly how it works.

PBL versus traditional learning – Which is best?

PBL versus traditional learning methods: Which works better? Medical schools operate largely in two camps: Problem-based learning (PBL) versus traditional learning. The question of choosing PBL versus traditional learning is a difficult one, and in this blog post we will discuss the advantages of both approaches.

How to Apply TSA Critical Thinking Skills in the Test


How to apply TSA critical thinking skills in the Thinking Skills Assessment. TSA Critical thinking skills are one of the requirements applicants are expected to demonstrate. The written test tests required skills such as communication skills, writing skills and critical thinking skills; the latter will be the focus of this article.

Most Common Personal Statement Mistakes to Avoid!

Here are the two most common Personal Statement mistakes to avoid. The Personal Statement should be completely driven by you, however, there are some mistakes you should avoid when you start the writing process. We don’t want to impose too many restrictions on what you decide to write. So we have two big red flags that we would suggest you avoid.

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