Common Oxford Medical Interview Questions


What types of Oxford Medicine Interview questions will they ask? Read on to find out what interviewers are looking for and the types of questions you may face on the day.

What Is The Best Oxford College For Medicine?


One of the factors to consider when applying for Medicine at Oxford is which college do you want to spend the next few years of your life at. We look at which college is best for Medicine students.

What are the Medicine GCSE Entry Requirements?

What are the entry requirements for medical school? Are you thinking about a career in medicine? If so, you’re probably way ahead of most people when it comes to knowing what you want to do. However, it’s worth making sure you meet the entry requirements for medical GCSEs!

Traditional Learning Medical Schools UK


Is a traditional learning Medical School right for me? The traditional learning Medical School approach is one of several formats of teaching at medical school. But what is traditional learning?

PBL versus traditional learning – Which is best?

PBL versus traditional learning methods: Which works better? Medical schools operate largely in two camps: Problem-based learning (PBL) versus traditional learning. The question of choosing PBL versus traditional learning is a difficult one, and in this blog post we will discuss the advantages of both approaches.

Medicine: St John’s College Cambridge Interview

This is Delphine's experience of a St Johns College Medicine Interview - if you're applying for Medicine at Cambridge then this will be a great indicator to what you need to think about when it comes to your Medicine interview. What was the format of your interview? My St Johns College Medicine Interview consisted of [...]

What Is A Good UCAT Score And Where To Apply?


Currently, more than 30,000 medical and dental applicants take the UCAT (University Clinical Aptitude Test) each year, but where is the best score to get? We can take a look at the distribution of scores from previous years to give you an idea of where your UCAT score lies within your cohort year.

How to pick the best BMAT course

How to pick the best BMAT course title overlayed on stethoscope image.

The Biomedical Admissions Test (BMAT) is a difficult and very strange exam for most students, as it tests different skills than school exams. With so much at stake in the BMAT exam, it is important to get professional help and attend a BMAT course. We’ve got some tips to help you choose the right BMAT course for you…

Medical Student Must Read Books


Reading is an essential part of preparing for medical school interviews. You will read the news to keep up to date with current medical affairs, you will read your personal statement to ensure you know every detail like the back of your hand, and you will read through any extra scientific reading you want to discuss in the interview. But, is reading fiction and non-fiction medical books worthwhile? The short answer is yes.

The UCAT Timings and Exam Structure


The UCAT consists of 5 sections with each containing a series of questions that must be completed within the given time. Learn what they are and what to expect.

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