Oxbridge vs Non-Oxbridge UK Medical Schools


Oxford and Cambridge are two of the most renowned universities in the world, but how do their medical schools stack up to others in the UK? Let’s take a look at some of the major medical schools to see which ones are right for you.

UCAT Test Format Changes


Ahead of the 2022 sitting of the UCAT, changes have been made to the format of the Admissions Test.

A Guide to UK UCAT Medical Schools


Choosing which UK UCAT medical schools to apply to can be daunting. Find out which UK medical schools require the UCAT and how they’ll use your UCAT score.

What Is The Best Cambridge College For Medicine?


One of the factors to consider when applying for Medicine at Cambridge is which college do you want to spend the next few years of your life at. We look at which college is best for Medicine students.

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