ECAA or TSA, Which Should I Take?


Are you interested in economics, wondering which degrees require the TSA or curious about what the ECAA means? We explain the two entrance exams, which universities require it and which degrees require the specific test. You will learn that Cambridge is not just about taking the ECAA and that the TSA is not just an entrance test for Oxford.

What Is A Good Score For The ECAA Cambridge?


If you are applying to study Economics at Cambridge, you will soon be sitting the ECAA, or Economics Admissions Assessment. But what exactly is a good ECAA score? While the test itself has changed, the skills and aptitudes that admissions tutors look for have not, so it can be very useful to look at the scores achieved by applicants in recent years.

How to register for the ECAA


The Economics Admissions Assessment (ECAA) is a 2-hour written examination for students applying to study Economics at Cambridge. Sections 1A and 1B test Mathematics and Further Mathematics using multiple-choice questions. Section 2 is an extended essay responding to a piece of text.

ECAA Results & Score


The ECAA is scored similarly to most other Cambridge Admissions Tests. This means that Section 1 is scored on a scale of 1.0 to 9.0. Only Section 1 are scored this way because the answers are either right or wrong. With Section 2, the essay section, this is marked by individual colleges so the mark varies.

ECAA Section 2 Essay | UniAdmissions Guide


Section 2 of the ECAA is an extended essay responding to an excerpt of text. The best way to guide you through this section is to start with the basics. In this guide, we will outline the basics of Section 2, explain how to structure your essays and leave you with some final useful tips. Without further ado, let’s begin.

ECAA Section 1B | UniAdmissions Guide


The second part of Section 1 of the ECAA assesses the principles of advanced mathematics. Section 1 (A and B) is a 60-minute section with 40 questions, so students have just over 2 minutes for each question. The questions can be quite difficult and it is easy to get stuck. Here is our guide to Section 1B of the ECAA.

ECAA Section 1A Guide


Section 1A of the ECAA examines mathematics. Students don’t usually have too much trouble with this section, but that doesn’t make their preparation any less important. We have included some tips on Section 1A and the syllabus to help you get started with your preparation.

The Complete ECAA Guide | UniAdmissions

If you are looking to study Economics at Cambridge then you’ll need to sit the Economics Admissions Assessment (ECAA). In this article, we will take you through the basics of the ECAA so you have a full understanding of what the test entails. Read on to learn why the test is used, how it is scored and what the assessment actually tests.

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