A personalised platform to help you get the most out of your Programme.

The UniAdmissions Portal is your link between all of the support and resources offered in your Programme and you. You’ll find everything included in your Programme available in your personalised Portal account. You’ll get access upon enrolment to a Programme.

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Expert, comprehensive Materials.

With your Programme, you will get access to a variety of resources. These resources can be broadly split into four key areas; the Library, the Preparation area, the Academy, and your subject-specific Reading List.


A digital library containing every single UniAdmissions textbook.


Various online courses dedicated to taking through your application.


Revision notes, hundreds of practice questions and perfectly simulated exams.


A carefully curated reading list that most applicants won’t use, setting you apart.


In-depth, unique enrichment seminars.

Become the well-rounded candidate that Oxford and Cambridge are looking for through our advanced subject-knowledge seminars. Designed to broaden your understanding and deepen your interest in your subject area. 

Review your courses & tuition reports.

Each one-to-one tuition session and course, led by our expert Oxbridge tutors, will be available to you to review the dates and reports for (if applicable) via your Portal account. We’ll help you to get the most out of your Programme.

How do I get access to the portal?

In order to access the Portal, you will need to undergo an assessment with one of our Admissions Consultants. The easiest way to do this is by booking a consultation (in the bottom left of your page) or by starting a live chat with one of our team. Once you have enrolled, you will be provided a personal Portal account.

how do i get access
how do i get access mobile

Frequently Asked Questions

Parents and students often ask us about the Portal. Here are their most common questions, along with our answers.

The Programme Portal is where you will find all of the support and resources for your Programme.

You can think of the Portal as the hub of all the materials included within your Programme. If you are ever looking for a relevant book, an online course, course dates or anything along those lines, the Portal is very likely to be your answer.

You can also use the Portal to get in touch with our team at any point.

The Portal is an integral part of our Programmes, and both the Programmes and the Portal require each other to work effectively and be beneficial for students.

Due to this, the Portal is not available to purchase by itself.

You’ll often get your Portal account created on the same day of your enrolment so that you can get started with your preparation right away.

In busy periods, it can take up to 48 hours. If you have been waiting longer than this, simply reach out to your Programme Manager and they will be able to help you.

This is an interesting question and one with a very subjective answer. We find that students are all different, and they find different benefits from each area of their Programme and Portal.

The Preparation area, where students can complete practice questions and timed exam papers, tends to be very well liked, however this completely depends on the student.

We recommend speaking to your Admissions Consultant, or your Programme Manager in order to understand what might suit you best.

You will have access to your Portal account for as long as you are enroled on one of our Programmes. This is often until just after the A-Level exam period in year 13 (your year of entry for university).

Yes, the Portal is fully functional on your mobile and tablet. We recommend students use the Portal on desktop, as many of the tests covered in the Preparation area are taken on a computer, so it is better practice.

However, many areas of the Portal are well-used on a mobile, such as the Library which gives you access to all of our textbooks, wherever you are.

How would you like to speak to an Admissions Consultant?