The Year 11 Head Start Programme sets you up for your future.

Students who start their application from our Head Start Programme see Oxbridge success rates of 77% (compared to 63% for students enrolled on a Premium Programme).

Head Start Programme Oxbridge Success Rate 77%
Premium Programme Oxbridge Success Rate 63%

National Average Success Rate

Monthly One-To-One Sessions. You’ll receive 12 individual sessions with your mentor, working through a structured syllabus aligned squarely to your goals.

Monthly Group Seminars. These sessions are created specifically for our Head Start students and focus on topics that help establish a solid foundation for your education and teach valuable life skills.

Study Skills Consultation. You will get a consultation with our Study Skills expert, Dr Alix Hibble. She has lectured students at the University of Oxford on study skills and will help you study smarter, not harder.

Gain An Early Lead. UniAdmissions’ Head Start Programme is designed for students who want to start early and put themselves in the best position to achieve their goals.



12 expert mentoring sessions get you closer to achieving your end goal and ensure you approach your academics correctly.

YEAR 12 & 13


The ultimate university application support for your Personal Statement, Admissions Test & Interviews.



Why enrol on to the Head Start Programme?

The Head Start Programme is purpose-built to give you an early advantage over other candidates in the competitive admissions landscape we live in. The Programme is tailored completely around each individual student’s goals and interests – we help you take the next steps to achieve those goals.


Be taught how to effectively use your time in order to achieve your goals.


Become the well-rounded candidate universities and employers are looking for.


Learn to use valuable skills which you'll gain through our support in your daily life.

Four Key Stages Of

The Head Start Programme

  • Personal strengths and weaknesses
  • Subject motivations and understanding 

Giving you a grounding in who you are and what you need to work on personally. As well as getting to grips with your subject as a field; its various segments and career paths, then identifying why and how you want to be a part of it. Then mapping how to get there. 

  • Understanding Oxbridge student DNA 
  • Research colleges, teaching methods and campus life 

Giving you a solid understanding of what is required for you to be an Oxbridge student and clarity on what this mythical place is about. You’ll reach this point with a clear picture of why Oxbridge is for you. 

  • Learning and revision techniques 
  • Critical thinking and debating
  • Project development and research 

Giving you invaluable practical experience in life as an Oxbridge student, developing an arsenal of skills that will set you apart in your studies at school, as well as set you up for Oxbridge. 

  • Work experience guidance
  • Personal statement ideas
  • Admissions test preparation
  • Interview overview  

Giving you a head start on one of the toughest application processes on the planet. You’ll leave here with clarity on your strengths and weaknesses for the process, with a clear roadmap for how to get to over-achievement.

Your tutor will develop an understanding of you as a student and individual, allowing them to provide a personalised experience specific to your goals.

What To Expect From The Head Start Programme

The 12 individual sessions you’ll have over the course of the year with your mentor will develop your academic skills, problem solving and widen your subject knowledge. They’ll also introduce you to exam preparation technique, along with careers support.

You’ll be given a full report after each session

After each session your tutor is required to fill out a full progress report commenting on various areas of your performance in that session. 

"I can't thank my tutors enough. I got the Oxford offer I really wanted and I couldn't have done it without them!"
luke law
Offers from Oxford, UCL & Lancaster

We work only with the best tutors

How do we match these tutors to our students?

The secret lies in our proprietary dedicated tutor management system, TutorMatch. This platform enables our tutors to generate a personal profile of their skills and expertise. This enables us to select the very best tutors out of those who apply. This system has a number of benefits for our students:

Black male tutor working with a group of students.
"I felt like I really got on with my tutors. Especially Orin, she was a godsend! Please pass on my thanks to her."
Offers from Cambridge, Edinburgh & Swansea

Fast, efficient process of tutor selection.

We select the best tutors from an already elite group, based on your subject and University preferences.

Transparency of investment: tutors produce reports after every session to monitor progress.

77% of students on our Head Start Programmes get their Oxbridge place, our tutors help us achieve this.

Automation and data analysis means we are constantly improving the process.

Frequently Asked Questions

The Head Start Programme is designed for Year 11 students who are beginning to think about their higher education goals.

The Programme aims to put students in the best possible position for their upcoming GCSE and A-level exams, whilst giving them the skills they need to succeed at university and beyond.

We provide most of our tuition online, however, if you are set on in-person tuition we can provide this.

In person tuition is usually held in a location that’s convenient for you and your tutor in Central London, Cambridge or Oxford.

In some cases, it may be possible to have the sessions at your house depending on your location.

All tutors are either current senior students, recent graduates or from a professional background. Our selection process ensures only the best tutors work for us, in roles most suited to their skill-sets.

These are sessions, created specifically for students on our Head Start Programme, are held monthly in a group setting with other Head Start students. These sessions will cover vital topics such as The Importance Of Goal Setting, Pricinciples Of Chemistry, Dealing With Conflict and various other topics.

The intention behind these topics is to set our students up with a firm foundation upon which they can build their application and academic future.

UniAdmissions is commited to providing the highest quality service to you. If you are unhappy with your Programme at any point, you can contact your dedicated Programme Manager to arrange a new tutor and discuss any issues – we will do everything we can to keep you satisfied.

If you’re still unhappy with your Programme, we offer a 14-day cooling off period in which you can cancel and get a full refund, no questions asked.

Enrichment is all about improving students by expanding their knowledge and improving the skills that university admissions tutors and employers seek.

Enrichment encompasses many different skills – we work with students to help them attain these skills and become the well-rounded candidate universities actively try to recruit.

The Head Start Programme is based on a structured syllabus, however, the lessons within the syllabus are customised completely to your individual needs and requirements.

If you feel you need support in one area, your tutor will focus on this area to ensure you are comfortable with it. Likewise, your tutor will identify areas for improvement and work with you to turn them into strengths.

The Head Start syllabus can be tailored by our Admissions Consultants to suit your requirements, no matter what the time of year is.

Speak with our Admissions Consultants now to find out how it would work for you specifically.

UniAdmissions is the leading Oxbridge admissions company in the UK – this gives us a unique insight into the essential skills Oxford and Cambridge are looking for.

With years of experience in the industry and the best tutors available, we are able to support students in a way no other company can.

Discuss Your Requirements With Our Admissions Consultants

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