LNAT Results Explained [2024]

Waiting on your LNAT results can be quite an anxious time, we will go over everything you need to know as you await your LNAT results in 2024.

Last Updated: 14th June 2022

Author: Chloe Hewitt

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If you have sat the LNAT, you might be wondering when you will receive your results from it. 

The LNAT is marked out of a score of 42, there is no pass or fail mark, however, there are average scores that candidates usually achieve to successfully receive offers from the LNAT universities. 

But when do the LNAT results come out and how do the different universities use them during the admissions process? 

When Do LNAT Results Come Out?

LNAT results are emailed to candidates twice a year, with test dates determining the results date. 

For all Admissions Tests taken before 20th October, the universities that require the LNAT will receive the result directly from the test provider on the 21st October. On any day after 20th October, your test result will be sent directly to the LNAT universities within 24 hours of you taking the test. 

  • Candidates taking the LNAT on or before 26 January will receive their results in mid-February.
  • Candidates taking the test after 26 January will receive their results in mid-August.

Candidates may only sit the LNAT once between 1 September and 31 July the following year, unless authorised to because of extenuating circumstances. If a candidate sits the test twice without authorisation, their later test sitting will be invalid. 

You will just receive your score for Section A and the average score for the cohort in the admissions cycle. Section B is assessed by the universities Admissions Tutors themselves, as such you will not get a mark back for it. 

Effective LNAT preparation is crucial to achieving an offer, so let UniAdmissions help you get a great score. 

The LNAT is a tough exam to prepare for without expert guidance and comprehensive resources. However, our LNAT Tuition Programme provides you with everything you need to perfect your LNAT skills and get a winning score.

Discover our LNAT Tuition Programme for comprehensive admissions support by booking a free consultation session or clicking the button below to enrol and triple your chances of success.

What If I Fail The LNAT?

Technically, you cannot fail the LNAT although your results are important. You simply achieve a certain number of points in the test, and then the results of your LNAT are considered alongside your qualifications and your Personal Statement. 

There is no fixed threshold to define good and bad LNAT results, so you simply have to wait to hear from the LNAT universities you have applied to. 

Remember, if you do get a low score it is not the end of the world. While you may not get a place at your preferred university, you can look at other options such as non-LNAT universities or deferring entry to the following year. 

LNAT Results 2022

Below you will find the average results for applicants at each of the ten LNAT universities in the UK.

University of Bristol LNAT Results 2022

In 2022, all applicants at the University of Bristol scored an average of 23 points in Section A of the test and 82/100 in Section B. Bristol has a unique marking scheme for Section B that provides a quantified score for each candidate. The only university to quantify the Section B score is Oxford.

University of Cambridge LNAT Results 2022

There are currently no publicly available average results for Cambridge law applicants. As this was the first LNAT sat by Cambridge applicants since the introduction of the CLT, we also don’t have data from previous years to work with. 

Durham University LNAT Results 2022

Out of the entire applicant pool for Durham, the average score achieved was 23.9, which is on the higher end of averages for entire cohorts rather than just successful applicants. However, it is also a decrease from 2019 and 2018, where applicants scored 24.7 and 25.1 respectivly. 

University of Glasgow LNAT Results 2022

LNAT results for the 2021-2022 admissions cycle currently have not been provided by the University of Glasgow. However, the previous application cycle saw applicants achieve an average score of 20. 

King's College London LNAT Results 2022

King’s College London provide a variety of different Law courses, each of which uses the LNAT in its application process. Amongst these courses, the average LNAT scores for all applicants range from 22 – 27, with applicants for the standard Law course achieving and average of 27.

London School of Economics (LSE) LNAT Results 2022

LSE has reported that the average score of their successful applicants was 26, which falls in line with their previous two years of using the LNAT in their admissions process. 26 was the average score in both 2020 and 2019. 

Univesity of Nottingham LNAT Results 2021

The University of Nottingham posted an average score of 23 for all applicants in 2021. Scores for 2020 and 2019 are currently not publically available, but we can see that there has been a decrease since 2018 and 2017, where applicants scored 24 and 25 respectively. 

University of Oxford LNAT Results 2022

Oxford has provided a wide range of average scores for us to look at: 

Oxford Section A Average Results

All Applicants – 22.5

Shortlisted Applicants – 27

Offer holders- 28.25

Oxford Section B Average Results

Shortlisted Applicants – 63.52

Offer holders- 64.05

Univesity College London LNAT Results 2022

The average scores provided by University College London state that the entire admissions pool achieved a score of 22, while offer holders achieved a score of 28. As well as this, contextual offer holders scored 26 on average. 

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How Do The LNAT Universities Use My Results?

Since the scores expected vary between universities, a good LNAT score for Oxford is generally different from a good LNAT score for Nottingham for example. As a result, it is important to understand how the different universities use your score. 

Your LNAT score and essay will be used by each university in the way that best suits its own admissions system. The use of the essay Section B is dependent on each participating university’s admissions policy.

Some universities may use it as the basis for Interview questions. Others may compare it with the Personal Statement, or use it as a means of distinguishing between borderline candidates. 

Do note that candidates applying to Cambridge for 2023 will now have to sit the LNAT, but with no data available as to what they are looking for the assumption is it would be in line with Oxford’s expectations. 

University of Bristol

At the University of Bristol, candidates are scored and ranked based on their academic record, according to their achieved or predicted results with the following weightings:

GCSE 20% | A-Level 40% | LNAT 40% 

The overall LNAT grade used by the university uses the following weightings: 

60% multiple-choice questions and 40% essay. 

The University of Bristol looks for candidates who can demonstrate the ability to make and sustain a persuasive argument and have a strong command of language in the essay section. 

University of Cambridge

The University of Cambridge has only recently adopted the LNAT as its law admissions test. Previously, there was a specialised exam called the Cambridge Law Test, used exclusively by the university. However, in the 2022 application cycle for 2023 Entry, the CLT was replaced with the LNAT. 

Cambridge considers both Sections 1 and 2 and required applicants to complete the test by October 15th, which is in-line with the Oxbridge UCAS application deadline. Mature applicants applying for Law to either Hughes Hall or St Edmund’s have an extended deadline of March 1st 2023 to sit the LNAT. 

The LNAT is fairly similar to the CLT in terms of what it is testing. Cambridge uses your results in the shortlisting process in order to decide who to invite to interview. 

Durham University

At Durham Law School, performance in the LNAT is one of a number of grounds on which admissions selectors determine the relative merit and potential applicants. As a part of this process, performance in the LNAT may be used to distinguish between otherwise similar candidates. 

It is important to note the following: 

  • Both parts of the LNAT are always considered by Admissions Tutors when assessing an application.
  • No minimum score is required for the multiple-choice part of the LNAT.

In Durham’s assessment of an LNAT essay, Admissions Tutors look in particular for evidence of the following positive attributes: 

  • Focus on the particular question
  • Clarity of expression and fluency of prose
  • A logical progression and structure
  • Reference(s) to relevant evidence
  • An ability to recognise, and address, counter-arguments
  • A concise and effective conclusion

University of Glasgow

The University of Glasgow is probably the least competitive when it comes to the LNAT. On average, a successful candidate will score 23 out of 42. 

The essay is viewed as an add-on to your Personal Statement, with the Admissions Tutor assessing the writing ability of the applicant. 

King's College London

KCL strongly encourages applicants to sit the LNAT by mid-December to best facilitate the assessment of their application. 

KCL only assesses Section A of the LNAT, with offer-holders tending to score around 26. 

This is quite a fair amount above the usual national average but it tends to be slightly less than other London Law Schools such as LSE and UCL. This reflects the fact that KCL tends to rank slightly lower than LSE and UCL in the Law School rankings.

London School of Economics

At present, LSE only uses the multiple-choice score in their assessment of applicants; for most applicants, the essay will not be considered. 

However, they might assess the essay for applicants taking non-traditional qualifications or less well-known qualifications. 

There is no set minimum score in the multiple-choice section that applicants are expected to achieve in order to be successful, instead, the score may be used to help distinguish between similarly qualified applicants. 

University of Nottingham

Uniquely, the University of Nottingham considers an LNAT cut-off score. Whilst information is not precise and changes every year based on the performance of the cohort you should consider the score to be about 25. 

The essay is taken into account as well. The criteria are qualitative and the tutors are primarily looking for a candidate to prove their ability to present a logical argument and observe structural conventions of English essay writing. 

University of Oxford

As Oxford admissions are centred on the Interview performance, half of the job is getting to the Interview in the first place. For this, the LNAT is crucial. 

The average score of a successful candidate in previous years was about 29. Furthermore, only 2% of applicants scored above 34. This indicates that you should be aiming for 30 or above. 

However, due to the high calibre of candidates, the scores have a very narrow window. Therefore, the essay is taken very seriously and is assessed through an official marking scheme

High scoring essays will normally exhibit: 

  • Application
    Close attention to the question(s) asked and sustained and focussed treatment of the issues.
  • Reasoning ability
    Well-drawn distinctions, a keen eye for relevance, awareness of more than one possible line of argument, and an element of independent critical judgment.
  • Communication
    Clear and fluent writing and notable clarity and appropriateness of structure and argument.

Low scoring essays will normally exhibit:

  • Application
    Poor attention to the question(s) asked, no sustained and focussed treatment of the issues.
  • Reasoning ability
    Poorly developed arguments, a preponderance of irrelevant points, few or no well-drawn distinctions, a lack of awareness of more than one possible line of argument, no evidence of independent critical judgment.
  • Communication
    Lack of fluency and clarity and no clear or appropriate structure or argument.

The essay is to be marked as a percentage and tutors marking the test are asked to mark by analogy to the conventional understanding of marks in examinations. For example, it will only be in the rarest of cases that a candidate would obtain a mark of 75 or above. 


Applicants with standard qualifications (such as A-Levels, International Baccalaureate or other high school qualifications considered equivalent to A-Levels) are not required to take the LNAT. 

However, SOAS will consider making lower offers to candidates who do so and perform well in the Admissions Test. 

Usually, a minimum score of 25 and a strong essay is what SOAS consider to be a high-performing candidate. 

University College London

The LNAT essay is given considerable weight in UCL’s consideration as it is the only piece of writing they receive under exam conditions, and demonstrates a candidate’s abilities to reason, argue and construct a cohesive essay. 

When assessing the essay, Admissions Tutors will consider: 

  • Aptitude for reasoning skills
    Including high-level comprehension, interpretation, analysis, synthesis, ability to draw broad and fine distinctions, induction and deduction
  • Aptitude for exploring arguments and ideas
    Including in writing, the ability to formulate, develop and defend an argument
  • Communication
    Including accuracy of syntax, breadth of vocabulary and ability to formulate ideas succinctly

As for the multiple-choice section: 

  • On average, a successful home candidate presented a score of about 28.
  • On average, a successful international candidate presented a score of about 30.

Looking to boost your LNAT score? Our Oxbridge Law Premium Programme can boost your whole application. 

Applying to Oxbridge is immensely competitive, and you must give yourself the best chance of success in every part of the application process. UniAdmissions helps you craft the perfect Personal Statement, achieve a highly competitive LNAT score and teach you how to Interview effectively – covering all areas of your Oxbridge application.

Discover our Oxbridge Law Premium Programme today by booking a free consultation session or clicking the button below to learn how you can enrol and triple your Chances of Success.

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