LNAT Section B Preparation: How To Start Preparing For The Essay

What you need to know to start preparing for Section B of the LNAT. The Law National Aptitude Test (LNAT) is divided into two sections, A and B. We are here to give you some tips on preparing for Section B of the LNAT and provide you with information to help you feel well equipped to take the exam.

Author: Zayra Morales

Table of Contents

What You Need to Know to Start LNAT Section B Preparation.

The Law National Aptitude Test (LNAT) is split into two sections, A and B. We’ve discussed, in a previous article, how to begin your LNAT Section A preparation. Now, we’re here to give you some advice on LNAT Section B preparation and provide you with information to help you feel well-equipped when taking the test.

What is LNAT Section B?

Section B is an essay question. Applicants are given three titles to choose from and you must pick one to answer. It is important that you spend time on LNAT Section B preparation so you know what to expect during the test. It is also a good idea to practice the skills the admissions tutors are looking for.

We have a video snippet from our Law Programme in which our tutor Amy Gregg goes through the explanation of selecting the right question which is definitely worth a watch!

Skills the admissions tutors are looking for in LNAT Section B

Section B is all about your ability to put forward a persuasive and compelling argument. The admissions tutors want to see that you know how to structure an essay and can write clearly and concisely. The tutors will also assess your English skills including spelling, punctuation, and grammar.

Having a good knowledge of current affairs will also work in your favour. The admissions tutors really like to see interesting and creative arguments which are backed up by evidence rather than opinions. Focus on these skills in your LNAT Section B preparation.

Approaching LNAT Section B Preparation

Despite the fact applicants that will not know the essay question before they start the test, here are five things you can do to prepare for the essay.

1. Plan Your Time

You will have 40 minutes in the test. It’s essential that you work out a strategy that works best for you. For example, you could decide to spend 10 minutes planning, 25 minutes writing and 5 minutes checking your essay.

2. Plan A General Essay Structure

An essay should include: (i) an introduction, (ii) the argument, (iii) a counter-argument, and (iv) a conclusion. Practice planning essays in this structure so you can present a clear and balanced argument. Under each element, you can bullet point your ideas and in the test, you should spend about 10 minutes doing this.

The introduction should introduce the topic, define any ambiguous terms in the question, and explain how you will approach the question. In your argument, ensure you do not sit on the fence and instead pick a side of the argument.

Applicants should be as interesting as they can and use evidence to back up their points. Think about how someone might disagree with your arguments and what other points they would make on the opposite side of the debate.

The conclusion of your essay should summarise the points of your argument and explain why your argument is better than the counter-argument.

3. Practice Essay Writing

Practising planning essays and then writing them is key to LNAT Section B preparation. The essay itself should be between 500 – 600 words (but no more than 750 words). As part of your LNAT Section B preparation, practise under exam conditions. Type (rather than handwrite) some practice essays and keep to the 40-minute time limit because that is how it will be in the test.

Never avoid writing around topics you do not know much about. This can be dangerous for your LNAT score in the exam if only topics you are uncomfortable with come up. If you need someone to look over some practice essay answers for the LNAT and provide any guidance, then ask our LNAT tutors to mark your essay.

4. Create A Sentence Starter Bank

Before taking the test, applicants should arm themselves with sentence starters that will help make a compelling argument. Here are some ideas to get you started:

  • In my view…
  • It is clear that…
  • Despite the fact that….
  • In addition…
  • Firstly/Secondly/Thirdly/Finally…
  • Furthermore…
  • Therefore…
  • However…
  • On the contrary…
  • On the other hand…
  • Critics may say…
  • Moreover…

5. Keep Up To Date With Current Affairs

Lastly, take time to read some articles in quality newspapers like The Guardian or The Daily Telegraph. Look at how arguments are formulated and how conclusions are drawn in the articles. You should think about what issues are raised, what assumptions have been made, and see if you can think of a counter-argument in response to the article.

Looking to effectively boost your LNAT score?

The UniAdmissions LNAT Programme will rapidly boost your score and triple your chances of succeeding in your Law application.

UniAdmissions helps students refine and hone their abilities so that they’re exam-ready on test day for all aspects of the LNAT exam. Our expert tutors will guide you through past papers in mock exam scenarios so that you are well-prepared by the time your exam comes around.


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