LNAT Section A | UniAdmissions Guide

The Law National Aptitude Test (LNAT) is split into two sections, A and B. In this guide, we will be focussing on LNAT Section A to help you gain a solid understanding of the section so you can start your preparation straight away.

Author: UniAdmissions Blog

Table of Contents

The Law National Aptitude Test (LNAT) is split into two sections, A and B.

In this guide, we will be focussing on LNAT Section A to help you gain a solid understanding of the section so you can start your preparation straight away.

What is Section A of the LNAT?

Section A consists of 42 multiple-choice questions in 95 minutes.

In the exam, you will be presented with 12 passages and 42 questions, with approximately 3-5 questions per passage. There is a total of 95 minutes for this section and you cannot use any of the time for Section B in Section A – you only have a maximum of 95 minutes.

You do not need to have any particular knowledge to complete Section A. However, you must spend time preparing for LNAT Section A to know what to expect during the test. As part of your LNAT Section A preparation, it is also a good idea to practice the skills the admissions tutors are looking for applicants to demonstrate. It would be worth brushing up on these skills so you are confident when it comes to the test.

What do LNAT Section A questions look like?

Section A questions are 12 long passages of text (roughly 4 – 8 paragraphs long) with roughly 3-5 questions on each passage. Each question will have 5 options to choose from, and only one will be correct. If you can’t find the right answer straight away, you can begin a process of elimination to find it. The passage of text will look a little something like this:


What does LNAT Section A test?

The aim of this section is to test your abilities in:

  • Comprehension
  • Interpretation
  • Deduction

The LNAT is used to identify if students can understand different parts of a passage. An integral point to understand is what constitutes a good argument. These are:

Evidence: arguments based on opinions and value judgements are weaker than those based on facts and evidence.

Logic: arguments should flow and the constituent parts should fit well into an overriding view or belief.

Balance: a good argument should concede that there are other views and beliefs (counter-arguments). Creating a strong argument involves dismantling these ideas and explaining why they are wrong.

The admissions tutors want to know that you can understand, analyse and interpret information. In the test, you will need to work out what the question is asking, pinpoint which part of the text is relevant, and choose the best answer from the multiple-choice answers provided.

What do you need to know for LNAT Section A?

You will often be asked for the differences between ARGUMENTS vs ASSERTIONS vs EXPLANATIONS. Here’s a snippet of our tutor Amy explaining how to differentiate the three:

LNAT Section A Tips from one of our UniAdmissions Online Courses

What should I know?


  • A conclusion is a summary of the arguments being made and is usually explicitly stated or heavily implied.
  • A premise is a statement from which another statement can be inferred or follows as a conclusion.

Hence, a conclusion is shown/implied/proven by a premise. Similarly, a premise shows/indicates/establishes a conclusion.


Sometimes you will be required to distinguish between a fact and an opinion.

  • Fact is something that can be tested to be true or false.
  • Opinion cannot be tested to be true or false.


Just because two incidents or events have occurred does not mean that one has caused the other. For example: “French people are known for having a glass of wine with dinner and they have a larger life expectancy than we do. Therefore, we should consume wine to be healthier.”

This argument is flawed. There are 2 events: (i) French people known for having wine and (ii) French people having a larger life expectancy. There is no suggestion in the extract that (i) wine is causally related to (ii) or that having wine actually leads to a longer life. Accordingly, in itself, the premises do not adequately support the conclusion – there could be other reasons such as diet or exercise.

Section A Top Tips

Read the questions first
As always, although it sounds counter-intuitive, you should read the question first. You’ll have an idea of what key points and keywords to look out for when reading the passage. This will help you save time.

There is no prior knowledge required for this section of the LNAT. You will not require any knowledge of the law or current affairs. But practising questions for preparation is key.

Reading non-fiction
A great way to prepare for the LNAT is to engage in non-fiction reading and consider the following questions; What issues are being raised? What assumptions are made? What is the conclusion? Is there adequate support for the conclusion? How would you create a counter-argument?

Searching to effectively boost your LNAT score?

The UniAdmissions LNAT Programme will rapidly boost your score and triple your chances of succeeding in your Law application.

UniAdmissions helps students refine and hone their abilities so that they’re exam-ready on test day for all aspects of the LNAT exam. Our expert tutors will guide you through past papers in mock exam scenarios so that you are well-prepared by the time your exam comes around.


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