Most Common Personal Statement Mistakes to Avoid!

Here are the two most common Personal Statement mistakes to avoid. The Personal Statement should be completely driven by you, however, there are some mistakes you should avoid when you start the writing process. We don’t want to impose too many restrictions on what you decide to write. So we have two big red flags that we would suggest you avoid.

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How To Write An Oxbridge Personal Statement

How To Write An Oxbridge Personal Statement

Writing an Oxbridge Personal Statement is a key element of your application to Oxford or Cambridge. Find out how to genuinely demonstrate passion without saying “I am passionate”, how to write about wider reading and how to produce a Personal Statement that shows the qualities Admissions Tutors are looking for.

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How To Make Your Personal Statement Stand Out

Admissions Tutors read through hundreds of Personal Statements each year. This means they will read the same “from a young age” opener over and over again. There are some positives from this, if you are able to make your Personal Statement stand out, it will create a much larger impact on the Tutor that is reading it. Here’s how to do it.

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How To Plan Your Personal Statement

The earlier you start planning your Personal Statement, the easier you will make it for yourself. There are four key reasons why you should start sooner rather than later. Find out what they are and how to plan the perfect Personal Statement.

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Don’t make these mistakes in your personal statement

The personal statement is an unenviable challenge faced by students every year. Students walk a fine line between demonstrating why they are better candidates than others, but avoiding showing off too much. It is an art that often relies on a careful act of judgement and preparing for the interview with ease.

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How To Write Your Law Personal Statement

The purpose of a personal statement is, firstly, to demonstrate your interest in your chosen subject and, secondly, to demonstrate your suitability to study your chosen subject. These are the key principles to bear in mind when writing your personal statement in law.

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