How to pick the best BMAT course

The Biomedical Admissions Test (BMAT) is a difficult and very strange exam for most students, as it tests different skills than school exams. With so much at stake in the BMAT exam, it is important to get professional help and attend a BMAT course. We've got some tips to help you choose the right BMAT course for you...

Author: Isabelle Zou

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The BMAT will be sat on the 18th October 2022 rather than the usual first week of November. The test has also changed to pen and paper.

The BioMedical Admissions Test (BMAT) is a tough exam and is very foreign to most students as it tests different skills to school exams.

With so much riding on the BMAT exam, it’s important to get some professional help and attend a BMAT course. But with so many companies offering BMAT courses, how do you select the right one? We’ve got some tips for you to help you pick the right BMAT course for you…

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1. Check the company

Make sure that the company is reputable and has plenty of positive reviews from previous students. Beware of false claims which sound too good to be true – it’s very unlikely that 100% of students attending a BMAT course got a place at their first choice medical school!

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2. Check the resources they offer

It’s also important to see which resources come with the courses. A good BMAT course should also give you books, past papers, worked solutions, practice papers and online course content. It’s essential that you should be able to access a lot of BMAT practice questions to help you improve and test your progress.

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3. Check the group size

Some companies offer guaranteed small group sizes. The smaller the course group, the more individual attention you will receive, which gives you more time to ask questions and get help on the areas you’re struggling with. More individual help will lead to much more effective learning for you!

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4. Find out who’s teaching you

This doesn’t mean you should find out the name and address of the person leading your course, rather you should be assured that the tutor has plenty of experience in teaching the BMAT. For example, with UniAdmissions, you can be certain that the tutor leading the BMAT course has years of experience teaching the BMAT, took the exam themselves and scored in the top 10% nationally. This means that the tutor definitely knows what they’re talking about and they can pass their experience onto you.

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5. Check the support you’re getting

You’ll definitely need to spend time after the course consolidating your newfound knowledge and working your way through practice questions. Therefore, you might have new questions and difficulties after your course. You need to make sure that your course offers ongoing support all the way up to the test day, so that you can get expert help when you need it.

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The BMAT exam can be daunting, so, using our 5 tips above, make sure you assess the available BMAT courses and choose the option to help you!

Our long-running and highly-reviewed BMAT course is a good starting point for you:

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