How to pick the best BMAT course title overlayed on stethoscope image.

How to pick the best BMAT course

The Biomedical Admissions Test (BMAT) is a difficult and very strange exam for most students, as it tests different skills than school exams. With so much at stake in the BMAT exam, it is important to get professional help and attend a BMAT course. We’ve got some tips to help you choose the right BMAT course for you…

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Which Universities Use The BMAT?

How do the different UK Medical Schools use the BMAT? In this guide, we go through the UK BMAT Medical Schools (including Cambridge, Oxford and UCL) and what scores you’ll need to be successful.

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The Complete BMAT Section 1 Guide

BMAT Section 1 is renowned for being difficult to prepare for, but there is still a lot that you can learn to ensure you can answer these questions as efficiently as possible. This guide will explain all the different question types you will face throughout Section 1 and how you can answer them quickly and effectively.

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The Complete BMAT Section 2 Guide

Section 2 is undoubtedly the most time-pressured section of the BMAT. This section tests Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Maths and it’s also the section in which you can improve the most quickly in, so it’s well worth spending time on. Read on for an overview of the section and the types of questions that can come up.

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