All Cambridge University interviews for 2022 entry and deferred entry for 2023 will be online this year.
There is no need to panic though, the online interviews are used in the same way as in-person interviews and they still have the same aims and content as usual Cambridge interviews. Cambridge have said that all students will receive an invitation that explains how the online interview works such as how their conference platform will be used to host their interviews.
Preparation for the questions will be pretty much the same as the usual in-person interviews but preparation for using an online platform is needed. Read on for our Cambridge online interview advice on how to prepare effectively.
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Cambridge Online Interviews Preparation and Setup
To partake in the online interviews, Cambridge suggests that you may need access to certain technology and resources, this will of course vary depending on the degree you are interviewing for.
Cambridge suggest the following setup information:
- Choose a quiet place in your house where there won’t be any distractions and you can hear yourself think, full concentration will be needed.
- Make sure your laptop or computer has a webcam. A separate microphone is a great addition but not necessary. As long as you can be seen or heard clearly then it’s fine. If you do not have the technology you need, contact the College admissions office.
- Ensure you have a stable internet connection, if this means going to a relative's house or a friend's house then take this opportunity. It is hard to stay engaged with someone who keeps breaking up and you can only hear half of each sentence. Kick others off the Wi-Fi to ensure it is as strong as possible.
- Keep a note pad next to you to jot down your notes and any questions you may have. You may also need to show workings or draw diagrams.
- When you are given access to the conferencing platform used for online interviews, you should test it out with friends and family to get comfortable with it. If you prepare early, you will remove all unnecessary stress so you can just focus on the interview.
Technology Tip:
Test all of your technology out a week or two before to make sure it all works to give you ample time to purchase or borrow another webcam. Test it all again the day before and on the day, do not take any chances with technology. As mention above, testing out your technology and identifying what you are missing will also give you plenty of time to contact the College admission office.
Internet Connection Tip:
If you lose internet connection during your interview then don’t stress. Try to reconnect but if it really does not want to work then immediately contact the College’s admissions office. Keep your phone near you on silent with the College’s admissions office contact details written down or saved.
Aside from setting up technology, the most important preparation is for the Cambridge interview questions.
Our expert interview support is designed to give you the highest chance of an offer at the interview stage, no matter what the subject is.
Your tutor will work with you based on your specific subject (Medicine, Humanities and Sciences), Cambridge College and personal circumstances to craft a strong interview strategy. Our Interview Programmes truly give you an advantage that can make the difference between an offer and rejection.