When Do Medicine Offers Come Out?

When do Medical School Interviews start and when do the offers come out? Find out all the dates in this helpful guide.

Author: Rob Needleman

Table of Contents

It’s that time of year, Medicine Interview season. But when do the Interviews take place and when do you find out the offer decision? 

To help you, we have created a table with all the dates and Interview styles using historical data, feedback from current students and information for the Medical Schools. Use the list below to find the schools you applied to and see when your Interview might happen and when you could receive your offer.

Medical School List

Medicine Interview Dates

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Performing well in the Interview is crucial for your application. Our Interview Programme prepares you to ace your interview through one-to-one tuition sessions, mock interviews, and more.

Discover our Medicine Interview Programmes now by booking a free consultation session or clicking the button below to enrol and triple your chances of success.

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Our Medicine Interview Programme has consistently tripled our students’ chances of success in their application with our unique curriculum. Your expert Oxbridge tutor will work with you based on your specific subject and personal circumstances to craft a strong Interview strategy that truly gives you an advantage.

Discover our Medicine Interview Programme now by booking a free consultation session or clicking the button below to enrol and triple your chances of success.

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